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شركة إنشاءات تجارية تخدم لأكثر من ثلاثة عقود.

Modern Construction was established in 2015. It is regarded as one of Egypt’s fastest-growing businesses that offers expert and excellent construction services  in specialized work . Being a part of Modern Group, which Modern Marble considered its main representative & one of the top suppliers of marble and granite not only to Egypt but to more than 60 other countries worldwide, gives the opportunity to expand construction services based on rising demand for large-scale construction projects in Egypt.



government, residential projects, administrative projects, commercial projects, and educational projects



We have a wealth of experience working as main building contractors.



walls as stone facing or stone cladding, floors, stairs, water jet, CNC work, counters, vanity-tops, bathrooms and kitchens have been installed.



We have a wealth of experience working as main building contractors.

لماذا تخترتنا؟

Our integration with Modern Group helps us to produce the highest possible quality of the local product through our own quarries and factories that have ISO 9001 certificates. In addition, of being Modern Marble is an exclusive agent for many distributors around the world, we guarantee the highest quality of foreign products in addition to our team of engineers and workers trained at the highest level in order to reach the highest Quality degrees in the final result that achieve the satisfaction of our customers.


The provision of high-quality services, environmental preservation, and worker and consumer safety are unwavering priorities in Modern Construction.

We are fully committed to environmental and societal safety in order to achieve the highest rate of sustainability in addition to entering into long-term contracts for a high rate of sustainabilityModern Construction considered as the 1st tier supplier, while Modern Marble & Modern Stone considered as the 2nd tier supplier, and our quarries considered as the 3rd tier supplier, all these not only gives you more cost control and market information but also, we can detect market shifts early and manage them, as well as having quality control standards.


Aims to be the premiere contractor and choice in the Middle East and North Africa by achieving unmatched results for the benefits of our customers, employees, stakeholders and surrounding communities we serve.
حالة الشركة


Serving and exceeding customer by converting naturally occurring rock into marbles and granites that inspire beauty and well-being.
قيمنا ومهمتنا

نحن نساعدك
مشروعك القادم.


سيشمل سلوك العمل لدينا أعلى مستوى من الصدق والثقة والاحترام والمعايير الأخلاقية والصواب الأخلاقي. لن نساوم على الموظفين أو العملاء أو شركاتنا.

رضا العملاء

يجب أن تكون نتائج جهودنا رضا العملاء. سمعتنا هي المفتاح لطول العمر الحديث في صناعة البناء وستبقى مفتاح النجاح في المستقبل.

ريادة الأعمال

يجب على كل موظف إظهار المبادرة وأن يكون الدافع وراءه الرغبة في الفوز والنجاح.


نحن مسؤولون أمام عملائنا وشركتنا وزملائنا ومقاولينا من الباطن وموردينا ، ولن نتنازل عن خدمة عملائنا وإرضائهم.

تحسن مستمر

نحن نقيس ونراقب ونحلل ونحسن الإنتاجية والعمليات والمهام وأنفسنا لإرضاء عملائنا بتوقعاتنا العالية والتحكم في كل ذلك. نحن نعمل بحماس ولطف وفكر ، ونسعى لتجاوز ما تم تحقيقه بالفعل. تجاوز ما تم إنجازه بالفعل لا نخشى أن نقف وحدنا.

فريق واحد

تشجيع التعاون والدعم المتبادل لتعزيز نهج الفريق الواحد لدينا.


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